The Battle of Narib
i is the last great battle recorded in recent history of note. It is the only major conflict that has arisen after the second P'lonian War. The end of the Battle of Narib brought for the Declaration of Sina
ii which on the elementary level was based on the ancient Confederacy of Tla'sorian.
Narib historically was the capital city of the Barian Empire. By the time of the Merchant Kings that Empire was no more yet Narib still basked in spledor as a major city in the region. During the reign of the Merchant Kings Narib (also known as Barian proper at that time) retained its sovereignty and had a strong rule as a city-state. This was all to change during the 1st P'lonian War which decemated the surrounding country side. The P'lonians then occupied Narib and made it one of the major cities of their expanding empire. Narib continued to be occupied and utilized by the P'lonians after the 1st P'lonian War. Many major engagements of the 2nd P'lonian War took place at Narib. After the 2nd P'lonian War Narib was free yet still had a stigma of complacity with the P'lonians.
The city of Narib worked hard to improve its public image in the years following the 2nd P'lonian War. They could never shake the onus of collaborating with the P'lonians. In addition to this the P'lonians held Narib responsible for the loss of its expanded empire due to the inner city revolts during the 2nd P'lonian War that weakened the line of comunication in the P'lonian Empire. All of the above resulted in the Battle of Narib.
Though who to blame
iv is still called into question until this very day the event that caused 13 Nations to band together against one city is not in question. Narib had long been rumoured to be a breeding ground for P'lonian atrocities. Narib pointed out that most of these reports were heresay, rumours, and lies. On the even of the 1st day of the 11th month of the year 12,019 this was called into question as 11 children appeared in the public square who had been raped , beaten, defiled and killed. Amongst their apparel were several items of the ruling caste of politicians in Narib. By the time the story had traveld outside of the gates of Narib it had grown to told that the total population of Narib was involved in demonic P'lonian practices of whose ilk hadn't been seen since the 2nd P'lonian War.
The Battle lasted 6 days and was particularly brutal due to the dark alchemy weapons
v from the P'lonian Empire that Narib had kept secluded and hidden from other Nations and their impressive war elephant troops. The use of steampowered tanks and slugslingers
vi by the unifed Nations also brought a depressing level of bloodshed to the battlefield.
At the end of the conflict the majority of the men of Narib had been slain in combat with the remaining executed as war crimminals. The remaining women of Narib commited jauhar rather than to succumb to being taken as prisoners of war. The battle of Narib was immortalized in several works of Jhlen Seeradiant who was the sole surviving poet warrior of the battle.
She let the wind pierce her skin.
She withered
to ascend
ash sendviii
i Also known as the Battle of Tears
ii The peacemaking treaty that binded 13 Nations. Later to include 4 more.
iii The Confederacy developed out of the rule of 3 Princes. The Confederacy stood until the 2nd P'lonian War.
iv Some asert that a secret society devoted to the P'lonians orchestrated this event. Others declare that it was P'lonian sleeper agents. Some even deny that the event took place. For more theories on the cause of the Battle of Narib refer to “Where hyena's graze: Looking at the fields of Narib”
v In particlar the Death wine (ingested liquid that turned the warriors of Narib's blood caustic for several hours so that their blood would be acidic to the touch), the lotus blossom bombs (metal shurikens that when they struck a target would inject an agent in a person's body that would cause the body to explode and transform that body's blood into a poisonious gas), and dragon's breath (Greek fire).
vi Basic six shooter guns
vii “The Lametation of Nurish”, “We have come to”, “Feast of Hyenas”, and “What say ye WhisperClose” are amongst the most well known.
viii From “The Lametations of Nurish”