Everyone converged at the center of S'rn in the morning hours before work, school and commerce. The center oval fountain with a representation of the Earth mother Rhy made of the native blue onyx usually was the focal point of activity. Children ran with journals tied in ram hide trailing behind them on the ground kicking up dust. They were trying to be on time for their lessons at Scholar's grove where several circles of students sat at different scholars' feet under date and orange trees. Merchants pulled carts of their goods to main street while professional barterers from small companies scanned the carts in motion for that one rare item that they would claim. Small ball of dust almost attached their selves to people's feet, flags whipped against the wind, people moved together almost seamlessly. That is, until a section of the crowd started to peel away. Jhlen squinted his eyes to try to discern what the abnormality was. Within the mass of people the pommel of an ebony daiklavei could be seen. Jhlen panicked for a moment. Who would bring bloodshed to S'rn. His hands dripped sweat and he realized that he had put away his tools of war long ago. He was weaponless. When the owner of the daiklave emerged from the crowd with that smirk on his face Jhlen cursed himself for loosing track of the count of days. Before he could yell out a salutation a young child of 7 summers bolted from that warrior's side.
"Uncle Jhlen!" His face covered in chocolate smudges, practically tripping over his own feet to reach him.
"Vikan. Come here you!" Vikan leaped in Jhlen's arms without missing a step. "You are turning into the spitting image of your father."
"And mother." When her voice hit the air Jhlen looked up to see a comely woman standing slightly to the left of the owner of the daiklave, Ja'Shem.
"So Ja'Shem, it appears you made good on your oath to bring the heavens to earth. Peace reina, I am Jhlem Seeraidiant."
"He of seven wounds, the Daybreaker. Ja'shem speaks of you often, carefully and with slight reverance. I am Dylini."
"No Jhlen, stop it. Don't even try to drop one of your poetical masterpieces on her. Though my tongue isn't as agave coated as your's I think my burps, salty speech and flair for the obvious has won her heart." Ja'shem's daiklave's handle caught glares and stares from the morning folk.
"People carry small weapons here Ja'shem. They have locked the epic weapons of war away from daily life. They aren't used to seeing the likes of your daiklave Quietus."
"That saved your ass during the battle of Narib!"

Jhlem opened his mouth to counter Ja'shem's outburst when Dylini spoke up.
"Yes, yes, we know the story mi rein. The war rhinoceros of Jhlem fell to a lotus blossom bomb from the approaching army throwing Jhelm to the ground. Quietus struck down that war elephant as it foot barreled down on Jhlem. It's shadow obscuring the day sky. The air screamed at the battle of Narib as Quietus sliced through the air drinking deep into that war beast's leg." You can tell that Dylini was glazing it slightly with sarcasm yet with enough deference to keep what couldn've been a two hour story to a telling of a few seconds.

Vikan tugged at Jhlen's locs. For a moment he thought he was holding Is'slom in his arms. The image faded away like morning fog. Deep breathing, shut the eye ducts. If going west he knew he would see Is'slom soon.
"Well stop standing there zoning out Jhlem. The family is hungry and I am in the mood for shots of Shou Wu Chih ii with a mug of Manali.iii"
i Elaborately decorated and with blades over four feet long and six or more inches wide, daiklaves are the traditional weapons of the Exalted. Daiklaves are forged from steel alloyed with one of the five magical materials and are far too large to be wielded by mere mortals. However, in the hands of an Exalt, the material of the sword resonates with the character's anima, making the blade light and easy to wield, despite its impressive size. Each daiklave is unique, its shape partly a product of the smith's desire and partly dictated by complex astrological factors. By long tradition, each is also named and treated as an honored companion to the Exalt who wields it.
ii Shou wu chih is sold in glass bottles. It is generally consumed by adding between one and three tablespoons to a cup of hot water, tea, or soup. Shou wu chih is a liquid tonic formula for men and women. It is claimed by the manufacturers that it gently increases the energy level and it tonifies, warms, and invigorates the blood, nourishes the liver and kidneys, and benefits the eyes. It is said that regular use strengthens the bones and tendons and improves sleep. Based on the herb Polygonum Multiflorum (Chinese: He shou wu or fo-ti), it is suitable for long-term use.
iii A raw form of Chica Morada which is prepared with purple corn flour, cloves, cinnamon, quince, pinapple shell and chopped apples. Sunwarmed and then sweetened with agave.
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