The grove was centered around the juniper tree. Children ran up to Jhlem and Zahra as they sat next to a stone near the tree handing them bunches of uchuva berries. Tart raisins simmering sour between their gums and cheeks. The sun seemed slightly jaded as though it was in a stupor dipping just behind the walls that enclosed the grove. Jhlem watched the children intensely. Every so often he thought he saw Is'slom dipping in and out of the tiny crowd yet he was not there. Zahra pushed him hard, he fell over, the children laughed. For a small moment in time even Jhlem had to crack a slim smile.
"I thought I heard you Jhlem. It has been sometime time since Zahra's Dan has been here." Shenwreeth's presence rose over the timber of the children subtle yet stirring. Shrenwreeth was a native S'rnian like Zahra yet her dark plumb skin tattled on her telling that she had some Nali blood in her. Shenwreeth was Ja'shem's former dasha before he declared his family. Her lineihi was extensive. She held a spot on the city council and was known as the most intricate clockwork smith in S'rn. "Are you performing at Degyanii? A utenzi or ghazal of the Battle of Narib?" The children mulled around her ankles. Shenwreeth kept the conversation going with a detatchment to her surroundings that wasn't negligence, rather it was like she was part of the landscape itself
"I don't quite know what I'm doing at Degyan...bakus die...."
Shenwreeth looked visibly puzzled and was about to ask Jhlen more yet a warding glance from Zahra stopped her tongue. Yet not before one more thing slipped out.
"Well I just thought you were definitely performing because I saw Reignsheer ibn Qal Jali heading toward your father's grounds."
iThe list of declarations that the Dan made in his Dasha's name. They are actually a work of art in tandem where the Dasha works out unique situations for the Dan to make declarations. After the Dan has relieved the Dasha of her oath when he declares his family the lineih is used as a statement of rank and prominence amongst Dashas.
iiThe winter solstice celebration.
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